TECHNICAL ASSOCIATE I, FEDORENKO LAB, McGovern Institute for Brain Research (2 openings), to work with Dr. Ev Fedorenko; assist with research on the cognitive and neural basis of language; assist with all aspects of research, including designing, programming, and conducting behavioral, fMRI, and MEG experiments; analyze behavioral, fMRI, MEG, and ECoG data; update the lab website; implement and maintain analysis software; provide technical support for lab personnel; and perform some basic administrative duties. Ideal for individuals considering future graduate study …
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McGovern Institute for Brain Research, to join the laboratory of Professor Ann M. Graybiel, whose research focuses on identifying neural mechanisms of learning, decision-making and action control, with high relevance to clinical disorders such as Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, autism and addiction; perform a wide range of laboratory techniques applied to neuroscience, especially histology, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization on brain tissue; assist in animal experiments, including mouse husbandry and breeding, colony management, behavior training and analysis; perform microscopy, …
We are looking for an outstanding Technical Associate to join our team to study neurobiological mechanisms of brain disorders that will lead to effective treatment. The candidates are expected to have excellent knowledge of molecular biology, genome editing and transgenic animal models, to have extensive training and experience in molecular and cellular methods, genetics, animal surgery and behavior analysis. The candidate will use a variety of molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic, imaging and behavioral approaches to assist graduate students, postdoctoral fellows …
Two postdoctoral positions are available in the Jazayeri and Wang Labs for a new collaborative research project that will elucidate the neurobiological, physiological and computational control principles of brain-body interactions. We are looking for highly motivated and talented individuals to work as part of a team with multidisciplinary expertise in neurobiology, body physiology, engineering, and modeling. All team members will be active contributors to all aspects of the science. Here are some example problems you may work on: Perform behavioral …
TECHNICAL ASSOCIATE I, DICARLO LAB, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, will support, and contribute to multidisciplinary research focused on understanding the neuronal algorithms and circuits that underlie visual object recognition; support and contribute to the day-to-day activities of a team of technicians, graduate students and post-docs to expand and scale the throughput of neural and behavioral data collection; assist in the oversight of a state-of-the art laboratory and animal colony by providing research and animal care support; serve, alongside other …