NEIWPCC is a regional commission that helps the states of the Northeast preserve and advance water quality.

Established in 1947, we engage and convene water quality professionals and other interested parties from New England and New York to collaborate on water, wastewater, and environmental science challenges across shared regions, ecosystems, and areas of expertise.

MISSION | To advance clean water in the Northeast through collaboration with, and service to, our member states.

VISION | Clean and sustainable water throughout the Northeast.

VALUES | Leadership • Collaboration • Education • Service • Science

Wooden bridge over a river with canoers and ducks

Our work connects us with a wide variety of professionals, leaders, educators, practitioners, and students—as well as environmentally savvy and curious individuals with diverse experiences and backgrounds outside of the water industry.

We Are:

Experts. Our staff and extended network possess significant breadth and depth of knowledge across the field of water quality.

Resourceful. We help states find effective ways to achieve their own clean water goals, often filling resource gaps in order to do so.

Collaborative. We are effective conveners and facilitators, adept at working across traditional boundaries.

By Vanessa Jimenez
Vanessa Jimenez STEM Coordinator of Student Engagement and Industrial Outreach